
and's if's & butts

Dirk’s Legacy

Oct 16, 2024

We lost our dear sweet Dirk on October 8th.   We didn’t know much about rabbits when we first adopted a group of eight in 2015.  Since then, we have learned a lot!  One thing we’ve learned is that is very difficult to integrate a new bunny or bunnies to an existing group.   As our original […]

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and's if's & butts

Building Permit for New Barn

Sep 29, 2024

Here is a detailed post on the whole 5-month journey to get our building permit to build a new barn at Kindred Farm. It was a lot and a huge learning curve for me.  And just for fun, a lot of curve balls were thrown in. Enjoy reading it here and find out what the next step […]

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and's if's & butts

Exciting Partnership with the Langley Men’s Shed

May 17, 2024

We had the pleasure of giving a farm tour to the Langley Men’s Shed. We had four shedders in attendance, Maurice, Alex, Greg and George. Alex and Barney the Goat became fast friends and Barney even let Alex scratch his horns!  While these handy men discovered the many ways they could help build and fix […]

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and's if's & butts

We lost an emerald jewel

Apr 13, 2024

It was 2016, when we got a call about a rescued bird from OWL (Orphaned Wildlife .  They had been called to help a turkey vulture who turned out to be a hen.  One of our volunteers, who was a neighbour and a volunteer for OWL brought the hen to us.  She was our very first rescue […]

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and's if's & butts


Jan 21, 2024

As we prepared for the cold snap, Kindred Volunteer Karen Atkinson offered to foster Marigold and Poppy.  This turned out to be a really good decision as the Office/Volunteer Room actually became bitter cold even with several heaters going 24/7. Guinea Pigs require a minimum of 15′ C at all times. Karen set up a […]

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and's if's & butts

Dandelion our beautiful guinea pig

Jan 21, 2024

Dandelion passed away.I tucked in the Guinea Pigs last night and I felt the hole that her absence has left behind.Dandelion may be little but she was one of the most cherished animals at the farm.  There was not a lot of chatter from Marigold and Poppy last night.  They too are missing their sister.   Our […]

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and's if's & butts

So many feelings about this tragedy

Apr 16, 2023

Disclaimer:This post is not about every child who experiences trauma. Not all children who experience trauma will resort to violence. This post is about how early intervention can be a lifeline and can help children to cope non-violently with trauma. I feel compelled to write something just about once a season as the world experiences another […]

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and's if's & butts

Matriarch Turkey: Freida May

Jan 23, 2023

This photo shows Freida May in all her glory as the reigning fluffy white matriarch of our feathered flock. But her reign ended this past Monday. Three years was not long enough to be in her glowing white presence. But Freida May did defy all the odds by living into her 6th year. This is […]

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and's if's & butts

Assault weapon in the hands of any child?

May 26, 2022

Disclaimer:This post is not about every child who experiences trauma. Not all children who experience trauma will resort to violence. This post is about how early intervention can be a lifeline and can help children to cope non-violently with trauma. This post looks in hindsight at trauma in a troubled teen and access to assault […]

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and's if's & butts

Why is it people vs animals?

Mar 3, 2022

I get asked, “how can you help animals when there is a war in Ukraine?” Why do so many people look at the world as people vs animals. Why can’t you help both? I look at the world as people and animals connected, forever intertwined and interdependent on each other. 1. Animals make the world […]

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