
Jun 9, 2021

In the midst of our urgent news to move, we were caring for Macchiato and trying to assess what was wrong with her as she was losing weight.  A vet check up wasn’t able to find anything wrong with her, so we continued to try ways to get her to gain weight.  

We were unable to help her gain weight and we made another visit to the vet. He said she was not in pain at the moment, but he didn’t know how long that would last.  He felt that she was in he last days and I made the very difficult decision to help her cross over in my arms.

This was the first time Macchiato had ever been ill since we rescued her in 2015, so it came as a shock to us all.  We are comforting ourselves that she was a senior rabbit and was near the end of her natural life span

Macchiato was one of the shyer rabbits in the colony and she was never too keen on interacting with us.  We accepted this and never tried to force her.  In this way, she got to be a bunny on her own terms.  Our special rabbitat is now down to Java, Vanilla Bean and Misto.  We’ll make sure to keep a close on on these three.

Rest In Peace dear sweet Macchiato.   
