AGM — An inspirational evening and a disgusting evening
Inspirational – SALI AGM
Disgusting – Downtown Vancouver
I was asked by many hockey fans to change the date of our AGM. I decided to keep the date because it is just too much work organizing the whole thing and I need to be spending my time on our Guardian Program and SALI’s Farm. We had non-hockey fans attend (yes there are many) and the meeting was inspirational – sorry to those who missed it. We had a dance performance given by Alison Trinkaus and her dog George. Afterwards, we learned how Alison rescued George from death’s door and she rehabilitated him through his fear aggression issues. George is the only dancing Shar Pei and is a wonderful ambassador for his breed.
We thanked George with two packages of gourmet dog treats and gave Alison a gift basket with wine, chocolate and “Golden Egg” scratch N win. We hope you win the jack pot Alison – you deserve it.
We celebrated the first group of children coming to SALI’s Farm with a toast given by Christine Mayworm. She shared a funny story about the children collecting their first egg (story to be posted at a later date). We had a lovely door prize of Prospect Winery “unoaked” Chardonnay, Endangered Species chocolate, SALI blue nail polish and “Golden Egg” scratch n wins. The door prize was won by Jane Struthers our extraordinary volunteer.
Our meeting was adjourned and the power promptly went out. We visited over wine and candlelight. A wonderful evening…..
until the power went back on and I saw what was happening in Vancouver. I am ashamed for our fair city. My heart especially goes out to the young girl who was in a porta potty when it was rolled over with people laughing and taking photos. Disgusting. Those who are responsible need to serve not only time – but serve the homeless people on the downtown east side and the homeless animals in the Vancouver Animal Shelter.